Gold or Silver? Which colour of jewellery should I choose?

A question that often come up when we buy and wear jewellery is which colour to choose - gold, or silver? 

As a jewellery fanatic myself, I have a few tips to share that might help you make the decision next time you are torn between the gorgeous gold piece or the equally mesmerising silver piece. 


Choosing the colour that matches your skin tone is one of the safest ways to go. 

If you have a cooler skin tone, silver would flatter you. For those with warmer tones, gold is the better choice. 

tango hoop earrings

Wearing jewellery that matches your skin tone creates a uniform look that is very pleasing to the eye. 

Now that begs the age old question - what's the colour of my skin tone?

Generally, if you look nicer in colours like beige, coral, cream, olive, then you're more likely warmer toned. If you're cooler toned, then you tend to look better in blues, greens and whites. 

The other popular way to check your skin tone is to look at the colour of your veins on your wrist under direct light - if they're green or olive then you're more likely warm toned, if they're blue or purple then you're part of team warm. 


Take a look at your wardrobe now - what colours do you see? 

Like I said about earlier, if your clothes tend to be beigecoralcreamolive then you might look towards matching them with gold pieces. Alternatively, clothing that are bluegreen and white would really stand out against silver jewellery.

Another great way to pick your jewellery for the day would be to look at the detailing on your other pieces, namely your bags and shoes.

You might notice your new treads feature gold lace holes or perhaps your bag of choice has a silver chain. Go off that - wear the jewellery that match. 

Again, by matching your jewellery with your other pieces, your outfit will look more put together. 


When we're talking about hair, it's all to do with whether you want your jewellery piece to stand out against your hair, making it a feature of your look, or blend with your hair, contributing to the overall aesthetic of your look. I think this tip applies particularly well to earrings since they're the closest to your hair. 

If you have a hair colour like dark blonde or rich brown, gold jewellery will blend in nicely with the hair colour while silver will stand out. Alternatively if you rock ashy/grey brown, platinum blonde or pastel coloured hair, silver will be a good choice for a muted look while gold will pop out. 

If you have very dark brown or black hair, both silver and gold will stand out against your hair but gold will stand out a tiny bit more. 


Both silver and gold jewellery come in millions of different styles, from cute to classy, from sexy to elegant. However, the colour itself does influence the style foundationally.

Generally speaking, silver (or grey), as a monochromatic colour, tend to look cooler and therefore give off a more sleek, chic vibe. Gold, being a warm colour, will look softer and give a slightly more feminine, romantic vibe. 

eden earrings

So, if you look a piece and is trying to decide on the colour to choose, think about the style you wear generally. If you like the modern, city look then silver is the way to go, but if you prefer a classy, romantic style, gold will do you good. 


Ah yes, the special snowflake of the family, rose gold. Whilst very beautiful, rose gold is a colour that is much more flattering against warmer tones and a more feminine style given its slight pink hue. I would avoid wearing it with cool colours or if you are fond of a more sleek, modern look. 

Hopefully my tips will help make the decision a bit easier the next time you're choosing a colour for a piece. 

At the end of the day, regardless of whether it matches your skin, or your hair, or what your friends say - always wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident because a confident lady is a beautiful lady! 

I'm FABULOUS! - Happy Squirrel | Make a Meme

If you want to chat a bit more or want to get an opinion about which colour to choose, feel free to hit us up on our live chat or shoot us an email.

See you in the next post! 

